Corporate Sponsorship Levels
10 Season Tickets
Sponsor name and/or logo prominently displayed on NebraskaRep.org website.
Full page color ad in all programs.
Sponsor name and/or logo included on all digital and print advertising.
Sponsor name and/or logo prominently displayed in lobby.
Sponsor verbal recognition during all curtain speeches.
Invitation to Opening Night parties.
Invitation to any special events during the season i.e., talkbacks, alumni events and more.
20 Show Tickets
Sponsor name and/or logo displayed on NebraskaRep.org website.
Full page color ad in sponsored show program.
Sponsor name and/or logo included on all digital and print advertising for sponsored show.
Sponsor name and/or logo prominently displayed in lobby during sponsored show performances.
Sponsor verbal recognition during sponsored show curtain speeches.
Invitation to Opening Night party for sponsored show and invitation to any special events associated with the sponsored show i.e., talkbacks, alumni events and more.
20 Show Tickets +
This is a special sponsorship level of support for those corporations who want to provide overall season support for Nebraska Rep but whose mission, community relations and marketing approach may align particularly well with an individual show.
This sponsorship level includes all the benefits of the Season Corporate Sponsorship and allows the sponsor to work directly with the Nebraska Rep marketing team to create custom marketing events tailored specifically around an individual show.
Show your support today!
Tim Ganser
Managing Marketing Director
Tganser2@unl.edu or 402-472-1619