Support Us
Since 1968, Nebraska Repertory Theatre has served as our state's professional theatre.
But ticket sales make up less than half of our production budget. We are committed to producing first-rate productions, but we can't do it alone.
Individual Donations
We've made it easier than ever for you to be a part of the team that helps Nebraska Rep create first-rate productions.
All it takes is a simple donation in the amount of your choosing. Making theatre possible has never been easier.
Corporate Sponsors
Corporate sponsorships are available to promote your company's brand with exclusive marketing visibility while supporting one of Nebraska's cornerstone cultural institutions.
Corporate partners support our mission and the economic vitality of our community.
Your support of The Rep offers a variety of benefits, including:
Association with Nebraska's premier, professional theatre.
Outstanding logo visibility and recognition.
Access to a diverse, educated, and professional audience of thousands.
Unique entertainment opportunities for client development and employee rewards.
Exclusive access to The Rep's artists and staff, including directors, designers, and actors.
Complimentary tickets to Rep productions and special ticket discounts for employees.
For additional information or to pursue a sponsorship opportunity for your organization, email info@nebraskarep.org.
Planned Giving
Ensure a bright future for the Nebraska Rep through estate plans or planned gifts.
We invite you to join Nebraska Rep's Legacy Society; a group of family, friends and philanthropists who have included Nebraska Rep in their estate plans or through other planned gifts. Planned gifts offer tax advantages while allowing you to make generous philanthropic contributions. Donors who remember Nebraska Rep in this manner ensure that the theatre has a bright future. You are eligible for membership in this exclusive Legacy Planned Giving Society after you have named Nebraska Rep as a beneficiary of your will or trust, life income gift, IRA, or other retirement plan, life insurance policy, or other planned gift.
For additional information, contact
Barbara Kohler
402-458-1100 main or 402-525-9898 mobile
or email barbara.kohler@nufoundation.org