POTUS provides a compelling glimpse into the corridors of power within the White House, where ambition and idealism collide. Set against the backdrop of a presidency in turmoil, the play reveals the high-stakes decisions the staff must make to navigate through crises while maintaining alliances and protecting their legacies.
Contains adult language.

POTUS provides a compelling glimpse into the corridors of power within the White House, where ambition and idealism collide. Set against the backdrop of a presidency in turmoil, the play reveals the high-stakes decisions the staff must make to navigate through crises while maintain alliances and protecting their legacies. Contains adult language.

Showtimes & Ticket

Studio Theatre
November 14, 7:30 pm

November 15, 7:30 pm

November 16, 7:30 pm

November 17, 2:00 pm

November 20, 7:30 pm

November 21, 7:30 pm

November 22, 7:30 pm

November 24, 2:00 pm

Nebraska Repertory Theatre creates innovative theatrical experiences to ignite the imagination, challenge the heart, promote an inclusive community, and inspire the next generation of theatre artists. Ticket sales make up less than half of our production budget. We are committed to producing first-rate productions, but we need your help.

For individual or season tickets visit nebraskarep.org or call 402-472-2567