Urinetown: The Musical is a darkly comedic satire that lampoons corporate greed, social responsibility, and the legal system in a dystopian future where water scarcity has led to a ban on private toilets. With irreverent humor and a tongue-in-cheek narrative, Urinetown celebrates the resilience of the human spirit in the face of absurdity.

Urinetown: The Musical is a darkly comedic satire that lampoons corporate greed, social responsibility, and the legal system in a dystopian future where water scarcity has led to a ban on private toilets. With irreverent humor and a tongue-in-cheek narrative, Urinetown celebrates the resilience of the human spirit in the face of absurdity.


Music by Mark Hollmann
Lyrics by Hollmann and Greg Kotis and Book by Kotis
Produced in Association with UNL Opera
Director by Ann Marie Pollard

Howell Theatre
April 24, 7:30 pm

April 25, 7:30 pm

April 26, 7:30 pm

April 27, 2:00 pm

April 30, 7:30 pm

May 1, 7:30 pm

May 2, 7:30 pm

May 3, 7:30 pm

May 4, 2:00 pm

Nebraska Repertory Theatre creates innovative theatrical experiences to ignite the imagination, challenge the heart, promote an inclusive community, and inspire the next generation of theatre artists. Ticket sales make up less than half of our production budget. We are committed to producing first-rate productions, but we need your help.

For individual or season tickets visit nebraskarep.org or call 402-472-2567